Sunday, March 27, 2011

Bioluminescence: Fireflies and the Future | Serendip's Exchange

Bioluminescence: Fireflies and the Future | Serendip's Exchange

We are working on the idea of "cold light" for our Team Project 3. Cold light is light produced by a means that does not produce any heat, which means that it is very energy efficient. Fireflies are our inspiration.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Lucky Drunks

Sorry I haven't been posting recently!  I was extremely ill two weeks ago, then spring break was hectic.  An idea a friend and I came up with over spring break involves the Lucky Drunk theory. One idea a friend and I came up with after discussing the "lucky drunk" theory is having the car somehow sedate a person just before he or she gets into a bad accident.  Obviously this has a lot of problems involved, for example if the car's sensors malfunction and the driver is randomly sedated.  Still, it's an interesting concept.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Soft Innovations

I've been doing a lot of brain storming for my 12 Soft Innovations lately.  I've noticed that the majority of my ideas are concerned with weather and climate.  It's an interesting study of the inside of my head, if anything.